Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NY congressman threatens reporter at Capitol - Wall Street Journal

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — New York Rep. Michael Grimm is defending his actions after he physically threatened a reporter at the Capitol after President Barack Obama's State of the Union address.

The confrontation began Tuesday when Michael Scotto, a reporter for New York cable news station NY1, asked Grimm about a Justice Department investigation into his campaign finances.

After cutting the interview short, Grimm told Scotto, "You ever do that to me again I'll throw you off this (expletive) balcony." He also threatened to "break (Scotto) in half."

NY1 posted video of the incident on its website.

Grimm later issued a statement saying he was "extremely annoyed" with Scotto and doubted he was the "first member of Congress to tell off a reporter."

NY1 political director Bob Hardt demanded a "full apology" from Grimm.

—Copyright 2014 Associated Press

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