Friday, January 24, 2014

John Boehner: Sometimes I'm 'Gestapo' - Politico

Speaker of the House John Boehner is pictured. | AP Photo

Boehner said he learned the skills he needs in Congress at a young age. | AP Photo

House Speaker John Boehner says in his job, he has to be many things, from a father figure to the Gestapo.

“People think, all right, you’re the speaker, you’re the leader,” Boehner told Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show” on Thursday night. “They don’t realize I’ve got a lot of other roles that I play. You know, some members, I have to be the big brother figure. Some I have to be the father figure. Others I have to be the dean of students or the principal. Some of them I have to be the Gestapo.”

The Ohio Republican, who grew up in a family with 11 siblings and a father that owned bar, said that he learned the skills he needs in Congress at a young age, including dealing with unsavory characters.

(QUIZ: How well do you know John Boehner?)

“I grew up in a big family. You have to learn to get along with each other … get things done as a a family,” Boehner said. “When you grow up at a bar — I mopped floors, did dishes, waited tables, tended bar. And you have to learn to deal with every jack—s that walks in the door. Trust me, I need all the skills I learned growing up to do my job.”

As speaker, passing legislation is a lot like wrangling unruly animals, Boehner said.

“I try on work with members on both sides of the aisle,” the speaker said. “We have 435 members of the house. It takes 218 to pass any bill. I like to describe my job as trying to get 218 frogs in the wheelbarrow long enough to pass a bill.”

(PHOTOS: 15 times John Boehner cried)

The 12-term congressman said he has no aspirations to move to another Washington residence: The White House.

“Listen, I like to play golf. I like to cut my own grass. You know, I do drink red wine. I smoke cigarettes, and I’m not giving that up to be president of the United States,” Boehner joked, a reference to President Barack Obama, who has spoken publicly about his work to quit smoking as he aimed for the nation’s highest office.

As for other Republican candidates for president in 2016, Boehner said he wasn’t picking one to support, but did name one would-be candidate whom he liked.

(PHOTOS: John Boehner’s life and career)

“Well, listen, I’m not endorsing anybody, but [former Florida Gov.] Jeb Bush is my friend, and I frankly think he’d make a great president,” Boehner said.

Asked about another Republican frontrunner, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has seen his early lead in the 2016 primary race erode as he deals with fallout from his administration’s alleged connection to a bridge traffic closure, Boehner said the difficulties for Christie weren’t over.

“It doesn’t appear he can do anything about it,” Boehner said. “He took responsibility, fired the people who were involved. He apologized. But this is not gonna go away any time soon.”

Boehner appeared on “The Tonight Show” for the first time as Leno wraps up his last few weeks of hosting before handing over control of the NBC stalwart.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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