Thursday, April 17, 2014

The 'first selfie' - Politico

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are pictured in an Instagram photo together. | White House photo

Obama and Biden had appeared earlier in the day at an event in Pennsylvania. | White House

If you’re Vice President Joe Biden, who would you have join you for your “first selfie” other than the commander in chief?

After creating his own Instagram account, the vice president posted a selfie with President Barack Obama. The two had appeared earlier in the day at an event in Pennsylvania.

The White House’s official Twitter account also tweeted out the photo with the caption “Pals.”

(PHOTOS: Pols taking selfies)

No stranger to selfies himself, Obama gained headlines after a selfie taken earlier this month with Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz turned out to be sponsored by Samsung without the White House’s knowledge.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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