Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sainthood for Popes John Paul II and John XXIII, witnessed by throngs at Vatican - CNN

  • NEW: Popes John Paul II and John XXIII are proclaimed saints by Pope Francis

  • Pope Emeritus Benedict is greeted by applause as he arrives

  • The presence of two living popes for a canonization ceremony is historic

  • 1 million people are expected at Vatican City for the ceremony

Rome (CNN) -- Popes John XXIII and John Paul II were canonized Sunday by Pope Francis in a ceremony witnessed by huge crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City.

Millions more watched around the world as the two former pontiffs were installed as saints.

The faithful and the curious had packed the streets of Rome around the Vatican before dawn Sunday, filling them wall to wall for blocks in hopes of catching a glimpse of church history in the making.

The Vatican expected 1 million people to gather in St. Peter's Square and along roads leading to St. Peter's Basilica for the unprecedented dual canonization of two popes, John Paul II and John XXIII.

The Vatican's official website said civil security forces are prepared and the subway system will run nonstop this weekend to accommodate the influx of pilgrims for the ceremony, to be followed by a Mass.

Many of those gathered in the square for the open-air ceremony waved flags and banners. The red and white Polish flag was prominent among them, a reflection of the affection felt for John Paul II in his homeland, Poland.

Giant banners showing the faces of the two late popes have also been hung on the facade of St. Peter's Basilica.

In another historic first, two living popes will be present for the canonization. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who resigned from the papacy a year ago citing health reasons, was invited by Pope Francis but will not be at the altar.

Benedict, looking frail in his white robes, was greeted with applause as he took his place among the bishops and cardinals. Francis embraced him as he in turn arrived to lead the ceremony.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said as many as 150 cardinals and 1,000 bishops would attend the canonization ceremony, as well as some 6,000 priests.

Delegations from more than 100 countries around the world were expected to be present, the Vatican said, including at least 24 heads of state.

The two popes to be canonized are:

John XXIII (1881-1963) -- known as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli before he became Pope -- was one of 13 children born into a family of Italian peasants, farmers from a tiny village in the country's north, before being sent away to study for the priesthood at age 11.

John Paul II (1920-2005), born Karol Jozef Wojtyla, was brought up in a grimy industrial town in Poland and raised by his soldier father after his mother died when he was just 8 years old. He spent his formative years living under first Nazis, then Communists.

His beatification is the quickest in modern times, made possible because Benedict -- who succeeded John Paul in 2005 -- waived the normal five-year waiting period after death to get someone's beatification rolling.

Vatican observers see the decision to canonize both popes together as a masterstroke, since it brings together a conservative and a reformer.

After the Mass, the Basilica of St. Peter will be open into the evening to allow pilgrims the opportunity to visit the tombs of the two new saints, Vatican Radio said.

The event is the biggest in Vatican City since the inauguration of Pope Francis last year.

CNN's Ben Wedeman and Delia Gallagher reported from Rome and Laura Smith-Spark wrote and reported in London. CNN's Ralph Ellis contributed to this report.

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