Sunday, March 29, 2015

White House Josh Earnest on Indiana Law, Iran Nuclear Deal - ABC News

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Transcript for White House Josh Earnest on Indiana Law, Iran Nuclear Deal

White house Press Secretary Josh Earnest is here with us this morning as well and Josh you just heard the governor. I say right there this is the same law he says that Barack Obama signed voted for as a state senator back in Illinois. A good morning George I appreciate you have me on the show this morning look if you have to go back. Two decades to try to justify something new you're doing today. It maize for May raise some questions about the wisdom of what you're doing look it should be easy for leaders in this country to stand up and say that it is wrong. Discriminate against people just because of who they laugh. And the fact is this isn't a political argument George as you pointed out in your. Interview with the governor we've seen business leaders all across the country say that there are reluctant to do business in Indiana and not because they don't like the people of Indiana. But because of this law because this law could make it more likely that the customers in those businesses and that the employees of those businesses. Are now more likely to be discriminated against so the fact is you know governor pence is in damage control mode this morning and he's got some damage. Fix said as president Obama's support the boycott of the final four and is what does he say to businesses. Who are thinking now of leaving Indiana. Ultimately these pages at these businesses are gonna have to make decisions based on what they think is in the best interest of their business. All totally you look at George is just a couple weeks ago that the president gave a speech a standing at the foot of the bridge in Selma Alabama. And the president talked about a couple of things first how. Average Americans all across the country do have the power to change their government to make their government more fair. But he also talked about the fact that government leaders in this country have a responsibility. To support our citizens were fighting for greater equality. And justice and fairness and when you have a law like this one in Indiana that's it's that seems to legitimize discrimination. It's important for everybody to stand up to speak out. Let me ask you don't let these nuclear talks on a switch gears and talk about the nuclear talks in Iran right now. Is there going to be a deal by Tuesday in if not is a president willing to extend the deadline. Well George the president has been very clear that the best way for us to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is by pursuing diplomacy with the international community. To get Iran to voluntarily take steps it would shut down every single path to a nuclear weapon. In addition what we would seek from Iran as a commitment to comply. With very stringent inspections to verify their longer term compliance with the agreement that is the best way for us resolve. Our concerns about Iran's nuclear program and to definitively prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon now at the same time. This is gonna require Iran to make some pretty significant commitments and we've been negotiating about this for more than a year but ultimately the president believes. That we should be able to over the course of that over the course of the last year be able to reach an agreement by the end of march if one is doable. So there are still some significant gaps have not hell extension. Well George we've been negotiating for more than a year and ultimately it's time for the Iranians to. I'd send a clear signal to the international community a community about whether or not they are willing to make this series commitments required. And basically live up to their rhetoric that there and not trying to acquire nuclear weapon itself if they can make those commitments they should be able to do that by the in the march 5. Only this he got a houseful took a real tough shot at President Obama this week on various foreign policy crises I he's been facing here's what he had to say. The world is. Starving for American leadership. About America has anti war president. We have no strategy overarching strategy. Budget deal deal both are growing terrorist threat. Your response. Well look George I'd simply say that if John Boehner thinks that US troops should be on the ground in Yemen fighting with who fees or that we should reoccupy Iraq. Or that the United States should bomb Iran to prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon and he shed the content that care the courage of his convictions to actually say sell. Of the fact is the president and every turn has taken steps by building the international community support. For policies that actually are in the best interest of the United States and whether that's bringing the international community to the negotiating table. Two prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon or building a coalition of more than sixty countries including a large number of Arum countries. Two launch airstrikes against I sold to try to eliminate the extremist threat that exists. In the Middle East these are steps that the president has taken consistent with our national interest and he does not believe it is in the best interest the United States. To commit more US ground troops to a large scale ground combat operations in Iraq or in Syria. That we that if we work with our international partners we can do a better job of actually protecting the interest of the United States Josh Harris thanks very much thank you George.

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{"id":29990051,"title":"White House Josh Earnest on Indiana Law, Iran Nuclear Deal ","duration":"4:36","description":"White House press secretary Josh Earnest responds to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, and discusses the Iran nuclear talks.","url":"/ThisWeek/video/white-house-josh-earnest-indiana-law-iran-nuclear-29990051","section":"ThisWeek","mediaType":"Default"}

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