Sunday, April 12, 2015

President Obama, Raul Castro Sit Down for Diplomatic Talks - ABC News

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Transcript for President Obama, Raul Castro Sit Down for Diplomatic Talks

We move to the meeting tweet president Obama and Raul Castro. The first time these leaders have sat down from these countries in over 50 years. Reporter: President Obama says he told recall Castro he'll read the state department's recommendation to take Cuba off the terrorist list this week. A hand shake five decades in the making. Not since Dwight Eisenhower had the presidents of Cuba and the U.S. Met face to face. This is obviously an historic meeting. Reporter: Recall Castro, the old revolutionary what fought alongside his brother in 1959. Then repelled a u.s.-sponsored invasion at the bay of pigs. And allowed the soviet union to build missile bases 90 miles from Cuba, sat beside the president of the United States. He said America was no longer determined to overthrow the Castros. We are not in the business of regime change. The cold war is over. Reporter: Recall Castro called president Obama an honest man. I asked the Cuban leader if he ever imagined such a moment. The Cuban foreign minister told me -- Yes, I did. I imagined this moment. I worked for this moment. Reporter: President Obama promised to continue to press Cuba for more freedom for its people. We will continue to try to lift up concerned around democracy and human rights. Reporter: And Castro responded they may have disagreements about those issues but nothing in the new era of diplomacy is off the table.

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{"id":30260802,"title":"President Obama, Raul Castro Sit Down for Diplomatic Talks","duration":"1:46","description":"The U.S. and Cuban leaders engaged in the first substantial talks between the two nations since the height of the Cold War.","url":"/GMA/video/president-obama-raul-castro-sit-diplomatic-talks-30260802","section":"GMA","mediaType":"Default"}

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