Monday, April 13, 2015

2015 MTV Movie Awards - ABC News

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Transcript for 2015 MTV Movie Awards

Time now for the skinny and topping our headline the unofficial start of the Hollywood blockbuster since last night kicked it all off with the MTV movie awards a star studded evening. The action got off to a rocky start hosts. Amy Schumer came out on stage after her opening montage and fumbled the air ocean is trying to sue the half. What should medicine nail Jimmy Kimmel right through the chest luckily heard jokes for a better time for. Hillary Clinton finally announced. She's taking names gotten wonder action gas. And. Hillary by the way it's so hot right now also hot right now saving Whitley she grabbed awards for best female performance in the for the Baltimore stars as well as Beth best kiss. And a TrailBlazer award Altidore start also won the top honor. Access will be a big. Year the winners included Bradley Cooper for American sniper who dedicated his award to Chris Kyle and Jennifer Lopez and passed heading to help. With little impromptu bull shaken thank you and did not. We we comeuppance is Jay host that's right that's what we wanted to seek month. Did she didn't tell I. Today. Oh man next time Jim next up Hillary couldn't feed her heated up served her fever ended up you know. Us Airways this weekend. -- figure that would -- get enough of that hysterical. Saturday Night Live skit. Featuring Kate McCann and as Hillary announcing her second run for the white house on social media check in. Isn't local warmup and then we'll get started womb OK love to hear how. And Hillary's a granite with a twinkle in her. Hillary could ready and she makes an apple pie first female president first female president let me give you may remaining. Well thank you great Clinton okay now hold up your phone then you can just. Look that's your own okay. Citizens. New York leads him. Don't worry we'll facility that went off your phone lines should know a thing or two about that right. I'm Christina meet my handed me yeah. Hillary would make any great president you and I would make an even greater. First do and Hillary isn't it crazy that phones can take videos now I mean if they could have done that the nuns he's. Binge. And court and did not have it up worse says Bill Clinton. That's going to be that bad can't say enough of that and next we're we're getting efforts look at that cover up Mariah Carey's new album. To infinity and she's looking stunningly slim and I'm. Did little to send some are questioning whether it's less Mariah more Photoshop mean here she was just four weeks ago. Bob bursting out and address. That was her performance in Los Angeles for the Human Rights Campaign gala. And finally it's been awhile since we've seen the worst of all 32 years by the way silence we haven't heard from Clark Allen kids are all set up for Wally world. Now we're getting our first look at the family photo of the next generation. Of the Griswold family Chevy Chase in Beverly De'Angelo have reunited for the sixth installment in vacation and that vacation franchise. As grownup rusty. Played by Eddie L Holmes who is married to Christina Applegate and he falls in his father's attempted footsteps taking his own family back to that fictitious being. That disastrous first trip still Wally world back in 1983. With the kids played by Dana Barron and Anthony Michael Holmes wounds.

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{"id":30274111,"title":"2015 MTV Movie Awards ","duration":"4:00","description":"Actress Shailene Woodley receives top honors at awards show. ","url":"/WNN/video/world-news-now-2015-mtv-movie-awards-30274111","section":"WNN","mediaType":"Default"}

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