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Monday, November 24, 2014

First Take: Hagel exit signals a return to war footing - USA TODAY

Video Keywords US troops University of Washington Defense Secretary Strategic thinker mutual decision White House Afghanistan Syria Iraq

President Obama announced the resignation of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel today. USA TODAY's Shannon Rae Green interviews Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page who shares that Hagel was pushed out and that is a sign of a changing war strategy.

Video Transcript

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00:03 Chuck Hagel has been no ordinary secretary of defense. The
00:07 first enlisted combat veteran. Who served in that position. President Obama
00:12 announced the resignation of secretary of defense chopped eagle today. I'm
00:16 here with University of Washington bureau chief Susan Page talk about
00:19 what it means for the Obama administration Susan tell us what
00:23 happened. You know this was not expected there were reports through
00:26 leaks in recent weeks that this is gonna happen. And yet
00:29 it's not a surprise because Chuck Hagel has been a little
00:32 out of step with the administration. The job has changed since
00:35 he was appointed two years ago that given what you're saying
00:37 does that mean Chuck Hagel is pushed out. I think he
00:40 was pushed down now that White House is going to some
00:43 lengths the same as it was a mutual decision. Any any
00:46 announcement in the state dining room this morning the president went
00:49 along way to praise him for his service to praise pours
00:52 friendship. Thanks to chuck our military is on a firmer footing
00:56 it. Engaged in these missions and looking ahead to the future.
01:00 And yet. Just weeks ago tech Qaeda was indicating he kind
01:03 of serve the rest of president Obama's second term so I
01:07 think that it's fair to judge this is being him being
01:10 pushed out. So what's next for the Obama administration I think
01:13 he think he needs someone who's going to be a stronger.
01:17 Strategic thinker and a more effective spokesman you know two years
01:20 ago look like the job of Defense Secretary was to manage
01:23 the budget that cuts under sequestration. And to handle the withdrawal
01:27 of the finally US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. As the
01:30 president has made very clear we're not going back into Iraq.
01:34 Any of the same combat mission short of that there are
01:38 some things we can continue to do and we you know
01:41 we are doing. That's all changed with the threat of ice
01:44 is we're sending troops back to Iraq were by bombing iso
01:48 partisan in Iraq and Syria. And the president just in recent
01:51 weeks has announced. Are decided an expanded role for US troops
01:56 in Afghanistan here it's that change the world and thank you
01:59 so much and things. Keep on the latest in this developing
02:02 story as it happens stay with us on USA today dot


WASHINGTON – President Obama's decision to replace Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reflects, among other things, the administration's reluctant return to a wartime footing.

When they served in the Senate together, representing Illinois and Nebraska, Obama and Hagel shared a skepticism of U.S. military engagements abroad and opposition to the surge of American troops in Afghanistan. Two years ago, when Hagel was nominated, the biggest challenges facing the Pentagon during Obama's second term seemed likely to be managing the budget cuts under sequestration and completing the withdrawal of combat troops from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That has changed.

Now the rising threat of the radical terror group that calls itself Islamic State has prompted Obama to order the bombing of ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria and deploy 3,000 U.S. troops to Iraq after the Iraqi military all but collapsed. The New York Times first reported this weekend that Obama had approved an expanded combat role for U.S. troops in Afghanistan next year.

Republican critics, including Arizona Sen. John McCain, have hammered Obama's national-security team for failing to foresee global problems and respond to them decisively. The Cabinet heavyweights of his first term, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta at the Pentagon and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the State Department, have left. And neither Hagel nor such officials as national security adviser Susan Rice has emerged as the sort of spokesman who could effectively explain and defend the administration's course.

Critics and allies of Obama cite the need for a strategic thinker and more forceful advocate – although the president may be wary of appointing someone with the stature to publicly question his leadership, as Gates and especially Panetta have done in memoirs this year.

In the wake of this month's elections, which cost Democrats control of the Senate and underscored the president's lame-duck status, Obama also has indicated he'll make changes among his senior advisers at the White House.

The fact that Hagel, a decorated Vietnam war veteran, was the top Republican in his administration hadn't done the administration much good. Only four GOP senators had voted for his confirmation.

Announcing the resignation Monday, Obama lauded Hagel's service and his friendship "since I was a green-behind-the-ears freshman senator." In his remarks, Hagel called his Pentagon tenure "the greatest privilege of my life."

Hagel's resignation wasn't expected – but it also turned out to be not much of a shock. "I'm not saying I expected it," Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said on CNN, "but I was not surprised."

The Defense secretary, who previously had indicated he planned to serve to the end of Obama's term, hedged his response last week when asked by interviewer Charlie Rose on PBS whether he was going to stay in the job.

"First of all, I serve at the pleasure of the president," he said. "It's not unusual by the way, to change teams at different times." At almost precisely the same point in his tenure, President George W. Bush pushed out Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who had become a lightning rod for criticism of the Iraq war.

"What I'm saying is, it wouldn't be unusual to do that, first of all, historically," Hagel said. "But, second, I've got to stay focused on my job...and I do. And I am very fortunate that I have some of the best people in the world to work with and whatever the president decides, he's the president; he makes those decisions."

With Monday's announcement in the State Dining Room, he did.


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