Friday, March 28, 2014

The 'pay-to-play' law that snagged Calif. Sen. Leland Yee - SFGate

(03-28) 11:02 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- An undercover FBI agent posing as a medical marijuana supplier met with state Sen. Leland Yee in Sacramento in June and, according to the FBI's transcript of a secret tape recording, said he was willing to make campaign contributions in exchange for support of legislation.

Yee's reply, the FBI reported, was, "You can't do that, man. You go to jail for that."

Yee was right. His problem, if the government's account of his actions is accurate, is that he didn't listen to his own advice.

Of the seven felony charges unveiled Wednesday against the San Francisco Democrat, six - each punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison - were for scheming to deprive his constituents of his "honest services."

The 1988 law that established the crime was worded broadly, and could have encompassed such commonplace political actions as failing to keep a campaign promise or disclose a conflict of interest, or even a private-sector employee's personal use of the company's e-mail system. But the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 2010 ruling that narrowed the fraud convictions of former Enron executive Jeffrey Skilling, said the law must be interpreted to apply only to bribes and kickbacks - specific exchanges of favors for benefits.

Yee: 'Can't do that'

As Yee put it when asked by an aide, in a secretly recorded phone conversation in May, whether he had contacted another lawmaker about marijuana legislation at the request of a purported campaign contributor, "That's pay to play and you can't do that."

Though the law has been narrowed, it's still potent - the "typical catch-all federal charge for political corruption," said Christopher Kutz, a UC Berkeley law professor. Among the politicians convicted and imprisoned under the law is former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The law draws a distinction, Kutz said, between the typical politician-contributor relationship - donors give money to office-seekers who generally share their views - and a promise of specific favors in exchange for funds.

"The test is whether the relationship between the contributor and the server (in office) becomes too much of an explicit transaction," he said.

The FBI says that's just what happened when Yee agreed to do various favors for agents posing as donors to his debt-ridden campaign for mayor of San Francisco in 2011 and his planned run for California secretary of state this year.

The alleged favors included making a phone call to a supposed state health official - actually another FBI agent - to recommend a software company for a possible contract, telephoning another agent with an update on marijuana legislation, and arranging a Senate proclamation honoring a local Chinese association at the behest of another undercover donor.

Across state lines

In each case, an FBI affidavit said, the transactions involved interstate phone calls or electronic messages relayed across state lines,a prerequisite for charging Yee under the federal honest-services law rather than California's bribery law.

If charged under state law, Yee might claim he had been entrapped - which, in California, means that the officers' conduct would have induced a normally law-abiding person to commit a crime.

Under federal law, a defendant must also show that, regardless of the officers' actions, he or she wasn't predisposed to break the law before being approached, a virtually insurmountable burden in most cases.

"You have no chance on entrapment," said Robert Weisberg, a Stanford criminal law professor. The only viable defenses, he said, are, "I didn't do it," or "I was misunderstood."

Weisberg said such charges often involve government sting operations, like the FBI's "shrimp scam" investigation of the late 1980s that netted several California lawmakers for agreeing to do favors for a fictitious shrimp company created by federal agents. In such cases, he said, law enforcement agencies usually "have information that the guy has already solicited or accepted a bribe."

Law's thin line

The FBI disclosed no such information in the 137-page affidavit detailing charges against Yee and his codefendants. But the accounts of undercover agents' interactions with Yee showed that the agents were well aware of the line between legal and illegal conduct - and that Yee had at last an inkling that there was a line he shouldn't cross.

For example, an undercover agent offering to contribute to Yee's 2011 mayoral campaign told the senator, according to the FBI affidavit, that he wanted help for his business in exchange. Yee, the affidavit said, told the agent he could not discuss policy while asking for money. Yee later said he could be "helpful," but no criminal charges resulted, evidently because he never explicitly promised a specific benefit.

When the purported medical marijuana supplier offered to contribute $10,000 to $15,000 to Yee's secretary of state campaign in May 2013 and sought help with legislation, Yee told a government informant, according to the FBI affidavit, that he played by the rules and couldn't take money for himself. But he said he would be willing to help those who helped him get elected - a "long-term investment," as he described it to an aide.

He then allegedly agreed to brief the agent on marijuana legislation and arrange a meeting with a fellow senator - two express promises, resulting in two criminal charges.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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