Monday, March 31, 2014

Members of Congress who are leaving office - Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Forty-eight members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate have announced plans to leave their seats in Congress before November congressional elections, including 26 Republicans and 22 Democrats.

The latest to announce was Dave Camp, chairman of the powerful tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.


Republicans currently control the House 233-199, with three vacancies.

* Departing House Republicans (23)

* Representative Dave Camp, Michigan (12 terms)

* Representative Mike Rogers, Michigan (seven terms)

* Representative Doc Hastings, Washington state (10 terms)

* Representative Gary Miller, California (eight terms)

* Representative Trey Radel, Florida (served less than one full term, resigned)

* Representative Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia (six terms, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Paul Broun, Georgia (three terms, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Bill Cassidy, Louisiana (three terms, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Phil Gingrey, Georgia (six terms, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Jack Kingston, Georgia (11 terms, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Michele Bachmann, Minnesota (four terms)

* Representative John Campbell, California (five terms)

* Representative Tom Cotton, Arkansas (one term, seeking Senate seat)

* Representative Spencer Bachus, Alabama (11 terms)

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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