Meanwhile, people continue to send their comments on what's going on in Ukraine and Crimea. For instance, the European Union banning to issue all kinds of European visas to Crimeans in the embassies and visa centers of EU countries on Russian territory has prompted a lot of our listeners to speak up.
For example, Michael Walsh believes that:
“This will do irreparable damage to EU Mediterranean economies, especially those based on investment, property and tourism. Here on the Costa regions, the Russian presence is second only to the British but their spend is far higher. This is another lesson in failed EU diplomacy; it hits hardest the ordinary working peoples of both Mediterranean Europe and Crimea.”
On the other hand, Sebastian Baxter thinks:
“It's not much of a measure... Residents of Crimea will simply need to re-register their official residence to an address elsewhere in Russia before applying for their visas. With a proper assistance given by Russian authorities this needs not to be inconvenient to a single Crimean. Brussels is once again trying to shoot from an empty gun.”
And Ahmad Ismail believes:
“The goal is to try to dissuade crimeans from getting russian passports and convince them to keep their ukrainian ones. This will be considered as a discriminatory measure by Russian authorities and In such a case I believe Russian authorities will answer back with reciprocal measures targeting EU citizens. this EU decision targets potentially 2,3 millions crimeans."
Source: Top Stories - Google News -
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