For his penultimate week as host of The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert has taken the show to Washington. His guest on Monday's show, President Obama, decided to step in a little early and commander the program, a power I'm pretty sure is enumerated somewhere in the Constitution. Colbert was about to do The Word; Obama stepped in to do The Decree.
"Nation, as you know, I, Stephen Colbert, have never cared for our president," Obama started out. "The guy is so arrogant, I bet he talks about himself in the third person."
Obama's actually pretty funny, but as with Colbert's The Word segment, most of the jokes are in the words on the screen to the right. The Colbert Report writers throw in some good one-liners about LinkedIn, Taylor Swift, Frozen, losing audience by moving to CBS, and Fox News, but the funniest ones are probably about Obama himself. Well-played, gentlemen. --Peter Weber
Source: Top Stories - Google News -
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