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Monday, December 8, 2014

Berkeley, Calif. protest gets violent for second night - USA TODAY

Jessica Guynn and Laura Mandaro 8:28 a.m. EST December 8, 2014

Video Keywords peaceful protesters vandalism Iraq new York

Protests against police killings of black men, specifically Eric Garner and Michael Brown, turned violent for the second night in a row in Berkeley, California. VPC

Video Transcript

Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)

00:01 Protests over recent police killings of black men turned violent
00:05 once again this time in Berkeley California. For the second night
00:10 dinner what started as peaceful protests over the choke hold death
00:14 of Erica garner in new York and the shooting of Michael
00:17 Brown in Fergus and ended with the looting vandalism and violence.
00:22 Yeah thank you pay him making an error at the it
00:26 won't be having basic supply protesters smashed windows of local shops
00:30 and patrol cars. They looted stores and that trash cans on
00:34 fire. At one point protesters blocked and shut down part of
00:38 the highway police fired tear gas at the group when they
00:41 refused to leave. Berkeley police say arrests were made throughout the
00:45 night confrontations also took place between groups of peaceful protesters. And
00:50 the violent groups. Some of the peaceful protesters even worked to
00:54 clean up the damage. In contrast similarly timed protest in New
01:00 York were largely peaceful. Dogs. Both protest where part of several
01:07 days of national demonstrations over Gardner's death. And that decision not
01:11 to indict the officer who apparently performed a chokehold during an

BERKELEY, CALIF. — A peaceful protest in the university town of Berkeley, Calif., Sunday night over police killings of black men was overtaken by a group vandalizing police cars and stores and briefly shutting a local highway.

It was the second straight night that protests over the chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York and shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., turned violent.

A roaming crowd of 300-400 protesters moved between the Oakland border on Telegraph Ave. and downtown Berkeley, leaving California patrol cars and a string of stores damaged, according to California police and local reports. Media reports said eight people were arrested.

The downtown Berkeley BART station was also temporarily shut.

While an air of calm returned as the marchers headed back to the University of California, Berkeley campus, they left a trail of damage and confrontations — both with police and between the groups of protesters, one trying to prevent vandalism.

Police fired teargas at protesters after a group would not leave Highway 24, shutting off the artery between Berkeley and the eastern suburbs of Walnut Creek for 45 minutes.

Groups of protesters set trash cans on fire and lobbed objects at storefronts, looting some. The Cal Student Store's window was cracked, two bank fronts were vandalized and two cell-phone carrier stores were damaged.

Other groups of protesters shouted at the violent groups to keep peaceful and keep walking. As the six-hour demonstration headed past the rows of college shops directly south of the campus, groups of protesters linked arms to keep out looters.

It was the second night in a row that a protest in Berkeley, no stranger to political demonstrations by its student population and liberal permanent residents, was in upheaval as vandalism flared.

On Saturday evening, what started as a peaceful demonstration over the chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York and shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., ended with looting and damage at several Berkeley businesses after a small group split off from a swell of about 400 peaceful protesters.

The San Francisco Bay Area was home to months of sometimes violent protests linked to the Occupy movement in 2011. Individuals calling themselves anarchists were a frequent component of the Occupy protests.

Sunday's protest was peaceful until two men smashed the window of a Radio Shack on Shattuck Avenue and tried to steal boxes of electronics. Protesters surrounded the men, grabbing the boxes and throwing them back into the store. One protester was injured when he tried to stop the looters. The two men then ran off.

Protesters gathered around 5 p.m. PT at the corner of Telegraph and Bancroft.

They drew outlines of bodies on the pavement and then marched down Channing Way, chanting "From Ferguson to Berkeley, we won't back down!" and "They say Jim Crow? We say hell no!"

Drivers in cars honked and waved their arms in solidarity with the protesters.

The protesters marched through downtown Berkeley to the heavily barricaded police station, holding their hands in the air.

They then walked a few blocks to Berkeley Civic Center, where they crowded the steps and chanted, "the whole damn system is as guilty as hell."

Meagan Day, 26, was walking her bicycle with protesters along Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley.

The Oakland resident said she joined the protest in Berkeley as an "act of solidarity" to "amplify the voices" of people oppressed by police violence.

"I want to be another voice and another body," she said.

Marchers then headed for Highway 24, where they were tear-gassed after refusing to leave the freeway, according to the California Highway Patrol, which also reported that some pedestrians had tried to light a patrol car on fire and were throwing rocks and bottles at police. The CHP then told peaceful protesters to clear the area. One of its most recent tweets was "Although some protestors may be peaceful, this is not a peaceful protest."

The protests were part of the fifth day of national demonstrations over Garner's death and the decision not to indict the police officer who apparently performed a chokehold while arresting the asthmatic black man in Staten Island, NY.


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Source: Top Stories - Google News - http://ift.tt/1Bt67kJ


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