
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

4 worshipers killed in Jerusalem synagogue; Netanyahu calls for unity - CNN

  • NEW: Israeli ministry: 8 wounded, including an Israeli police officer in critical condition

  • NEW: Netanyahu blasts "those human animals who committed this massacre"

  • 2 Palestinian cousins enter a Jerusalem synagogue with knives, gun

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Jerusalem (CNN) -- A Jerusalem synagogue turned from peaceful sanctuary to house of horrors within moments Tuesday, after two Palestinian cousins wielding a gun and butcher knives attacked during morning prayers -- a terror attack that Israel's leader characterized as "blood libel" fanned by Palestinian leaders.

Addressing reporters Tuesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for national unity against "those human animals who committed this massacre" and against those -- singling out Hamas, the Islamic movement and the Palestinian Authority -- who he claims "disseminate libels against the state of Israel."

"There are those who wish to uproot us from the capital, from our land," he said, referring to Jerusalem. "They will not be successful... We have to unify forces."

Netanyahu spoke hours after the latest act of violence to afflict the region, this time at a synagogue in West Jerusalem's Har Nof area.

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Photos taken inside the Jewish house of worship, and released by Israeli officials, painted a grim scene -- from lifeless bodies sprawled on a floor to a shattered pair of glasses to blood seemingly everywhere, drenching holy books, prayer shawls and walls.

Three dual U.S.-Israeli citizens and a British-Israeli citizen died in the attack before police shot and killed the two assailants.

The terror attack -- the deadliest in Jerusalem since a man with an automatic weapon killed eight seminary students in March 2008 -- came at a particularly tense time in that city, and the region at large. It follows a series of recent deadly stabbings and vehicle incidents that, while not the large-scale suicide bombings that defined last decade's second intifada or the rocket attacks from Gaza earlier this year, have left Jerusalem on edge.

"While Israelis are a tough breed, repeated, totally unpredictable attacks are bound to take their toll," said David Harris, an expert with The Israel Project. "Is a mother going to allow her child to walk to school, to catch a bus to a movie theater or (ride a train) to visit a friend?"

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The answer to what's next came quickly, as Israeli authorities moved into the slain attackers' East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber to demolish their homes on Netanyahu's order. The Palestinians' official WAFA news agency reported 13 people were arrested, including an al-Aqsa Mosque guard.

Mark Regev, Netanyahu's spokesman, said that authorities were also "beefing up the security presence" around Jerusalem.

"The goal is to make sure that there are not copycat attacks," Regev said.

The war of words between the two sides, meanwhile, continued.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack, something that Netanyahu said he was "glad" for but insisted "is not enough."

"(Abbas) does not send out terrorists, he doesn't directly encourage acts of terror, and this is good," the Prime Minister said, echoing an assessment by an Israeli security chief. "On the other hand, the incitement of the Palestinian Authority -- and he heads the Palestinian Authority -- and even some things he says ... encourage terrorism, in terms of incitement (of) tensions that run high."

There was no such equivocation about Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza. It's been at odds with Israel and also with Abbas' Fatah movement, which controls the West Bank.

Hamas did not claim responsibility for the synagogue attack, though it didn't back away from it either. Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the group, instead linked the attack to the discovery Sunday of an Palestinian bus driver hanged in his bus not far from where Tuesday's attack occurred. (For his part, Netanyahu said that claims the bus driver was killed were lies and that his death was ruled a suicide.)

Senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad predicted to Al Jazeera International that "there will be more revolution in Jerusalem, and more uprising."

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"Hamas in general supports action against the occupation," Hamad said. "Hamas supports any military action against the occupation anywhere it can be carried out."

Four rabbis killed

The latest example of such an action came at 7 a.m. Tuesday, when two Palestinian men entered a synagogue in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood, where about 30 worshipers in prayer shawls and phylacteries were doing their morning prayers.

"They began attacking worshipers, stabbing them before opening fire," Israel's foreign ministry said.

The four killed were all rabbis: Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 58; Aryeh Kupinsky, 43; Moshe Twersky, 59; and Kalman Levine, 55. Goldberg was a dual British-Israeli citizen, and the other three were U.S.-Israeli citizens -- which is why the FBI is investigating the attack, according to a U.S. law enforcement official.

"When four great men, wonderful men, wise in Torah study, are slaughtered while praying in public, there is no public grieving greater than that," said a rabbi who eulogized the men later Tuesday, before their burial.

Eight others were wounded -- including three who were seriously hurt and a policeman who was critically wounded, according to the foreign ministry.

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Officials overseas such as British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond strongly condemned the killings, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro called them "a barbaric new low in the sad and outrageous history of such attacks."

"Tragically, this is not the first loss of life that we have seen in recent months," U.S. President Barack Obama said after condemning "in the strongest terms" attacks he said were "a tragedy" for both Israel and the United States. "Too many Israelis have died, too many Palestinians have died. And at this difficult time, I think it's important for both Palestinians and Israelis to work together to lower tensions and reject violence."

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Stopping violence in Jerusalem

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The ancient city of Bosra, Syria Continually inhabited for 2,500 years, and became the capital of the Romans' Arabian empire. The centerpiece is a magnificent Roman theater dating back to the second century that survived intact until the current conflict. Archaeologists have revealed the site is now severely damaged from mortar shelling. The ancient city of Bosra, Syria Continually inhabited for 2,500 years, and became the capital of the Romans' Arabian empire. The centerpiece is a magnificent Roman theater dating back to the second century that survived intact until the current conflict. Archaeologists have revealed the site is now severely damaged from mortar shelling.

The Great Mosque of Aleppo, Syria A world heritage site originally built in 715 by the Umayyad dynasty, ranking it among the oldest mosques in the world. The epic structure evolved through successive eras, gaining its famous minaret in the late 11th century. This was reduced to rubble in the Syrian civil war in 2013, along with serious damage to the walls and courtyard, which historians have described as the worst ever damage to Syrian heritage.The Great Mosque of Aleppo, Syria A world heritage site originally built in 715 by the Umayyad dynasty, ranking it among the oldest mosques in the world. The epic structure evolved through successive eras, gaining its famous minaret in the late 11th century. This was reduced to rubble in the Syrian civil war in 2013, along with serious damage to the walls and courtyard, which historians have described as the worst ever damage to Syrian heritage.

Norias of Hama, Syria These 20-meter wide water wheels were first documented in the 5th century, representing an ingenious early irrigation system. Seventeen of the wooden norias (a machine for lifting water into an aqueduct) survived to present day and became Hama's primary tourist attraction, noted for their groaning sounds as they turned. Heritage experts documented several wheels being burned by fighters in 2014.Norias of Hama, Syria These 20-meter wide water wheels were first documented in the 5th century, representing an ingenious early irrigation system. Seventeen of the wooden norias (a machine for lifting water into an aqueduct) survived to present day and became Hama's primary tourist attraction, noted for their groaning sounds as they turned. Heritage experts documented several wheels being burned by fighters in 2014.

Citadel of Aleppo, Syria The fortress spans at least four millennia, from the days of Alexander the Great, through Roman, Mongol, and Ottoman rule. The site has barely changed since the 16th century and is one of Syria's most popular World Heritage sites. The citadel has been used as an army base in recent fighting and several of its historic buildings have been destroyed.Citadel of Aleppo, Syria The fortress spans at least four millennia, from the days of Alexander the Great, through Roman, Mongol, and Ottoman rule. The site has barely changed since the 16th century and is one of Syria's most popular World Heritage sites. The citadel has been used as an army base in recent fighting and several of its historic buildings have been destroyed.

Aleppo Souk, Syria The covered markets in the Old City are a famous trade center for the region's finest produce, with dedicated sub-souks for fabrics, food, or accessories. The tunnels became the scene of fierce fighting and many of the oldest are now damaged beyond recognition, which Unesco has described as a tragedy.Aleppo Souk, Syria The covered markets in the Old City are a famous trade center for the region's finest produce, with dedicated sub-souks for fabrics, food, or accessories. The tunnels became the scene of fierce fighting and many of the oldest are now damaged beyond recognition, which Unesco has described as a tragedy.

Deir Ez-zor bridge, Syria This French-built suspension bridge was a popular pedestrian crossing and vantage point for its views of the Euphrates River. It became a key supply line in a battle for the city, and collapsed under shelling. Deir Ez-zor's Siyasiyeh Bridge was also destroyed.Deir Ez-zor bridge, Syria This French-built suspension bridge was a popular pedestrian crossing and vantage point for its views of the Euphrates River. It became a key supply line in a battle for the city, and collapsed under shelling. Deir Ez-zor's Siyasiyeh Bridge was also destroyed.

Nimrud, Iraq The ancient Assyrian city around Nineveh Province, Iraq was home to countless treasures of the empire, including statues, monuments and jewels. Following the 2003 invasion the site has been devastated by looting, with many of the stolen pieces finding homes in museums abroad. Nimrud, Iraq The ancient Assyrian city around Nineveh Province, Iraq was home to countless treasures of the empire, including statues, monuments and jewels. Following the 2003 invasion the site has been devastated by looting, with many of the stolen pieces finding homes in museums abroad.

Crac des Chevaliers, Syria The Crusader castle from the 11th century survived centuries of battles and natural disasters, becoming a World Heritage site in 2006 along with the adjacent castle of Qal'at Salah El-Din. The walls were severely damaged by regime airstrikes and artillery in 2013, and rebels took positions within it.Crac des Chevaliers, Syria The Crusader castle from the 11th century survived centuries of battles and natural disasters, becoming a World Heritage site in 2006 along with the adjacent castle of Qal'at Salah El-Din. The walls were severely damaged by regime airstrikes and artillery in 2013, and rebels took positions within it.

Jonah's Tomb, Iraq The purported resting place of biblical prophet Jonah, along with a tooth believed to be from the whale that consumed him. The site dated to the 8th century BC, and was of great importance to Christian and Muslim faiths. It was entirely blown up by ISIS militants in 2014 as part of their campaign against perceived apostasy.Jonah's Tomb, Iraq The purported resting place of biblical prophet Jonah, along with a tooth believed to be from the whale that consumed him. The site dated to the 8th century BC, and was of great importance to Christian and Muslim faiths. It was entirely blown up by ISIS militants in 2014 as part of their campaign against perceived apostasy.

Khaled Ibn Walid Mosque, Syria Among Syria's most famous Ottoman-style mosques, which also shows Mamluk influence through its light and dark contrasts. The vast site became a hub of the battle for Homs, itself a front-line of the conflict. The sacred mausoleum has been completely destroyed, and much of the interiors burned.Khaled Ibn Walid Mosque, Syria Among Syria's most famous Ottoman-style mosques, which also shows Mamluk influence through its light and dark contrasts. The vast site became a hub of the battle for Homs, itself a front-line of the conflict. The sacred mausoleum has been completely destroyed, and much of the interiors burned.

Palmyra, Syria An "oasis in the Syrian desert" according to UNESCO, this Aramaic city has stood since the second millennium BC and featured some of the most advanced architecture of the period. The site subsequently evolved through Greco-Roman and Persian periods, providing unique historic insight into those cultures. It is feared that Palmyra has now been devastated by looting.Palmyra, Syria An "oasis in the Syrian desert" according to UNESCO, this Aramaic city has stood since the second millennium BC and featured some of the most advanced architecture of the period. The site subsequently evolved through Greco-Roman and Persian periods, providing unique historic insight into those cultures. It is feared that Palmyra has now been devastated by looting.

Armenian genocide museum, Syria Memorial site to the 1.5 million killed between 1915 and 1923, the Deir Ez-zor became a yearly destination for pilgrims from around the world. The site included a church, museum, and fire that burned continuously. The complex was destroyed by ISIS in 2014.

Armenian genocide museum, Syria Memorial site to the 1.5 million killed between 1915 and 1923, the Deir Ez-zor became a yearly destination for pilgrims from around the world. The site included a church, museum, and fire that burned continuously. The complex was destroyed by ISIS in 2014.

Cyrene, Libya A key city for the Greeks and Romans, established in 630 BC. Famed as the basis for enduring myths and legends, such as that of the huntress heroine of the same name and bride of Apollo. The ruins were some of the best preserved from that period, but in the wake of Libya's revolution, vast tracts have been bulldozed including its unique necropolis complex.Cyrene, Libya A key city for the Greeks and Romans, established in 630 BC. Famed as the basis for enduring myths and legends, such as that of the huntress heroine of the same name and bride of Apollo. The ruins were some of the best preserved from that period, but in the wake of Libya's revolution, vast tracts have been bulldozed including its unique necropolis complex.

Museum of Islamic Art, Egypt Home to one of the world's most impressive collections, with over 100,000 pieces that cover the entirety of Islamic history. The Cairo site was first built in 1881, the museum recently underwent an eight-year multi-million dollar renovation. Shortly after re-opening, a car bomb targeting a nearby police building caused catastrophic damage and forced the museum to close again.Museum of Islamic Art, Egypt Home to one of the world's most impressive collections, with over 100,000 pieces that cover the entirety of Islamic history. The Cairo site was first built in 1881, the museum recently underwent an eight-year multi-million dollar renovation. Shortly after re-opening, a car bomb targeting a nearby police building caused catastrophic damage and forced the museum to close again.

Quaid e Azam residency, Pakistan This 121-year-old wooden building, humble but elegant, was home to the nation's first governor general Muhammed Ali Jinnah for the last phase of his life. The residency was attacked with rocket fire by a separatist group in 2013, and almost completely demolished. A new structure is being built on the site.Quaid e Azam residency, Pakistan This 121-year-old wooden building, humble but elegant, was home to the nation's first governor general Muhammed Ali Jinnah for the last phase of his life. The residency was attacked with rocket fire by a separatist group in 2013, and almost completely demolished. A new structure is being built on the site.

Al- Omari Mosque, Gaza Ancient monument in the heart of Jabalya's old town dates back to the Mamluk Era. The walls, dome and roof were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes during the recent fighting in Gaza, along with dozens more historic sites. Al- Omari Mosque, Gaza Ancient monument in the heart of Jabalya's old town dates back to the Mamluk Era. The walls, dome and roof were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes during the recent fighting in Gaza, along with dozens more historic sites.

'Old Beirut', Lebanon A 15-year civil war of incredible brutality, successive battles with Israel, and sweeping urban development has robbed the 'Paris of the Middle East' of much of its visual lustre. Once known for its landscape of swaggering Ottoman, French and Art Deco architecture, officials say just 400 of 1200 protected historic buildings remain.'Old Beirut', Lebanon A 15-year civil war of incredible brutality, successive battles with Israel, and sweeping urban development has robbed the 'Paris of the Middle East' of much of its visual lustre. Once known for its landscape of swaggering Ottoman, French and Art Deco architecture, officials say just 400 of 1200 protected historic buildings remain.

The ancient city of Bosra

The greatest buildings you'll never see: 19 priceless monuments lost in battle

The greatest buildings you'll never see: 19 precious monuments destroyed by war

Khaled Ibn Walid mosque Homs

Armenian genocide museum, Deir Ez-zor

Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo

Quaid e Azam residency, Ziarat, Pakistan

Al- Omari Mosque, Jabalya, Gaza




















19 precious monuments destroyed by war19 precious monuments destroyed by war

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. But Israeli officials say the attackers came from East Jerusalem, where Palestinians can move more freely about the city than those living in Gaza, who must pass through stringent checkpoints.

Ma'an, a semi-official Palestinian news agency, identified the two men as Ghassan Abu Jamal and his cousin, Udayy.

Whether their actions were part of a coordinated campaign or a spontaneous reprisal, Tuesday's attack raises the specter of yet more violence against civilians.

The latest wave began earlier this year with the kidnapping of three Israeli teens, who were later found dead. Reprisal attacks, rocket fire and retaliatory airstrikes followed that incident, with more than 2,000 Palestinians and 67 Israelis reportedly killed after weeks of heavy fighting.

Much of the most recent unrest has been centered around Jerusalem. That includes the discovery of the body of Palestinian bus driver Yousuf al-Ramouni on Sunday, the same day an Israeli was stabbed with a screwdriver near central Jerusalem.

'There is no organization'

Last week, a 20-year-old was stabbed and killed in Tel Aviv, and three people were stabbed -- one fatally -- near the entrance to a settlement in the West Bank, the same spot where the three Israeli teens were kidnapped.

Analysts point out that large-scale violence has decreased in Jerusalem in recent years, partly because of increased security but also because Palestinian and Israeli leaders are cooperating behind the scenes.

But former Israeli National Security Adviser Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror said the recent acts of violence may be more difficult to stop than in the past because they seem to be carried out by individuals and not planned out and executed by a group.

"There is no organization behind it," he said, noting that all someone has to do is take a knife from their kitchen and attack. "... I don't see any measures that can be taken to stop an individual (like that)."

Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian legislator, told CNN that incidents such as the "lynching" of the bus driver "have provoked the Palestinians to the point where many of them are retaliating individually by resorting to violence."

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat -- whose city is about two-thirds Jewish and one-third Arab -- said attacks like the one at the synagogue are "not just an Israeli problem."

"If the world doesn't unite against terrorism and give zero excuses for terrorism, this will haunt he world," he said. "This will happen everywhere in the world."

CNN's Greg Botelho and Ralph Ellis reported and wrote from Atlanta, while CNN's Ben Wedeman reported from Jerusalem. CNN's Michael Schwartz, Kareem Khadder, Jethro Mullen, Rachel Kitchen, Shimon Prokupecz, Jason Hanna and Khushbu Shah contributed to this report.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -

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