Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Spanish Ebola case: 'I am due to treat the patient. But I have no idea what to do' -

"I am not ready, I am not trained. And it's the same with my colleagues."

He said that he and other doctors had been given a ten-minute briefing on management of Ebola patients and shown some photographs on a wall. Two months ago they were given a demonstration on how to put on the protective suit.

"A doctor and a nurse put the suit on and took it off. The training was and is absolutely insufficient," he said.

The warning will set off alarm bells as Spain's public health officials struggle to quell panic after a fourth nurse in Madrid – who like Maria Teresa Romero Ramos had cared for an infected Spanish missionary – was quarantined with suspected symptoms of the deadly Ebola virus.

In addition to the four nurses, Mrs Romero's husband is in quarantine, as is an engineer who returned to Spain from Nigeria.

Dr Yus is among fifteen health workers at the Carlos III hospital who have made a formal complaint to management about their lack of training in the face of the current crisis.

Maria Teresa Romero Ramos

Mrs Romero was transferred to a specialist isolation unit at the Carlos III hospital on Monday night after testing positive for the haemorrhagic fever, becoming the first case of contracting Ebola virus outside West Africa.

It is still unclear how exactly she was infected with the virus while she was part of a team treating two missionaries repatriated from West Africa.

But sources close to the investigation into how the infection occurred have suggested Mrs Romero may not have followed proper procedure when removing her protective suit after coming into contact with the second Ebola patient.

Manuel Garcia Viejo, 69 died at the Madrid hospital on September 25, five days after being airlifted from Sierra Leone.

Miguel Pajares, 74, died there in August after his repatriation from Liberia.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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