Monday, October 13, 2014

Oscar Pistorius a 'Broken Man,' Psychologist Testifies During Sentencing - ABC News


The charges against Oscar Pistorius – and the relentless media attention – have robbed the double-amputee sprinter of the opportunity to mourn the death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, his personal psychologist testified as the sentencing phase of his trial began.

Pistorius was found guilty last month of culpable homicide, the equivalent of manslaughter, for shooting and killing Steenkamp on Valentine's Day last year.

The trial has now entered its sentencing phase, and Pistorius' lawyers are leading evidence in support of mitigation of sentence, hopeful that Judge Thokozile Masipa is lenient when she sentences Pistorius.

Dr. Löre Hartzenberg says Pistorius has still not been able to reach a stage of acceptance and healing following the 2013 shooting.

"We are left with a broken man who has lost everything. He’s lost his relationship with Reeva Steenkamp, he’s lost his moral and professional reputation. He’s lost his friends. He’s lost his career,” Hartzenberg said. “On an emotional level, his self-perception and self-worth have been damaged.”

When Hartzenberg called Pistorius a “broken man,” the Olympian became tearful in court.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel countered by asking the psychologist about Steenkamp’s relatives.

"Would you not expect a broken family?" Nel asked.

Hartzenberg says some of her sessions with Pistorius only involved him weeping and crying and her holding him. The paralympian – known as “Blade Runner” for his prosthetic legs – carries photos of Steenkamp with him and showed them to Hartzenberg, the psychologist testified.

After witnesses are called on both sides during sentencing, the state and defense will deliver closing arguments.

A culpable homicide charge could send Pistorius to prison for up to 15 years, although a non-custodial sentence could also be imposed. Mitigating factors, such as his emotional state, anxiety levels and disability could result in a lesser sentence.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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