Monday, October 6, 2014

Mexico sends in federal police to maintain security in the massacre town of Iguala - euronews

Mexican federal police have taken control of the southwestern town of Iguala after the apparent massacre of dozens of trainee teachers.

Officials claim the local police were in league with criminal gangs in the killing of 43 missing students.

“The federal police, will assume public safety duties in the municipality of Iguala from today. Under special circumstances, they will be joined by the army,” said Monte Alejandro Rubido, Executive Secretary of the National Public Safety System:

State officials believe some of the missing students are among 28 bodies found on Saturday in a mass grave and several smaller ones.

Two gang hit-men have already admitted killing 17 people with the help of security officials.

The students disappeared after a protest over job discrimination.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has vowed to hunt down those responsible.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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