Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Isil push for Kobane sparks protests in Turkey that leave 12 people dead -

But Kurds bitterly accuse Ankara of merely looking on as the town risks being overrun by jihadists despite dozens of Turkish tanks being deployed on the border.

Efkan Ala, the interior minister, accused the pro-Kurdish protesters of "betraying their own country" and warned them to disperse or face "unpredictable" consequences.

"Violence will be met with violence... This irrational attitude should immediately be abandoned and (the protesters) should withdraw from the streets," he told reporters in Ankara.

In Mus, a 25-year-old protester was killed after being struck in the head by a tear gas cannister fired by police to disperse the protesters.

In Diyarbakir, five were killed by gunshots in clashes between pro-Kurdish activists and Islamists.

Enraged youths in the southeastern town had overnight torched a police vehicle, scores of other vehicles and shops and attacked government offices.

In Istanbul's Gazi neighbourhood, largely populated by Kurds, police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse a protest by several hundred Kurds, an AFP correspondent said.

Elsewhere in Istanbul, one person was seriously injured after being shot in the head from close range.

Local authorities ordered a curfew in several Kurdish-majority provinces including Diyarbakir, Mardin, Siirt and Van.

Kurds have been particularly irked by the reluctance of Turkish authorities, who are concerned by Kurdish separatism, to allow Kurds over the border to fight Isil.

They have warned that the fall of Kobane could mean an end to the peace talks between Ankara and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which waged a deadly insurgency in Turkey for the last three decades but has largely observed a ceasefire since last year.

Kurdistan Communities Union - considered the urban wing of the mountain-based PKK - called on millions to take to the street to protest against what it termed "IS brutality".

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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