Monday, October 27, 2014

Ibovespa Tumbles Toward Bear Market as Rousseff's Win Sinks Real - Bloomberg

Brazil’s benchmark equity index tumbled, approaching a bear market for the second time this year, as President Dilma Rousseff’s re-election damped speculation for a change in policies that wiped out $553 billion of stock market value and left the economy in recession.

The Ibovespa dropped 4.6 percent to 49,548.16 as of 9:47 a.m. in New York, leaving it down 20 percent since reaching a bull-market high on Sept. 2, while the real posted the world’s biggest drop as it sank 2.2 percent to a nine-year low. Shares of state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA tumbled 11 percent.

“Many sectors of the economy have suffered a lot in the past years, and even though the president has signaled changes and more dialogue, the market is skeptical,” Alexandre Povoa, a former chief executive officer at Modal Asset Management who helps manage 230 million reais ($91 million) at Rio de Janeiro-based investment firm Canepa, said in an interview. “Changes to economic and fiscal policy will have to be made and investors are waiting to see how solid and concrete they are.”

The Ibovespa equity gauge had rallied 16 percent from this year’s low in March amid bets that Senator Aecio Neves would unseat an incumbent who oversaw the slowest growth of any Brazilian president in two decades as inflation accelerated past the top end of policy makers’ target. Rousseff, who has maintained record low unemployment, had 52 percent of the vote with 99.99 percent of ballots counted by the electoral court.

The Ibovespa last entered a bear market in March as Rousseff’s attempts to shore up growth through subsidized credit from state-run banks and tax cuts on consumer goods failed to avoid a slowdown, then moved back into a bull market in May after polls showed the incumbent losing voter support. After rising to a 20-month high in September, stocks retreated after new surveys showed Rousseff rebounding.

Volumes Surge

“There’s going to be enormous disappointment in the markets that we have not had an opposition victory,” Geoffrey Dennis, the head of emerging-market strategy at UBS AG, said in a telephone interview.

The real’s plunge to 2.5274 per dollar put it at the weakest level on a closing basis since April 2005. One-month implied volatility on options for the real, reflecting projected shifts in the currency, was the world’s highest. The currency sank 12 percent in the past three months.

Petrobras and state-controlled utility Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA were the two worst performing stocks in the 834-member MSCI Emerging Markets Index today as the utility sank 11 percent.

“The natural reaction by investors, at this moment, is to sell, with considerable nervousness prevailing,” Camila Abdelmalack, an economist at CM Capital Markets in Sao Paulo, said in a telephone interview.

ETFs Sink

The iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF dropped 6.8 percent to $38.74 in New York trading, while the Lyxor ETF Brazil Ibovespa ETF declined 8.6 percent in Paris, the biggest intraday slide since June, with volume more than four times the three-month daily average. The NEXT Funds Ibovespa Linked ETF declined 6.8 percent at the close in Tokyo, the biggest loss since September 2011, on volume exceeding 12 times the average.

Throughout the campaign, Brazil’s stock market and currency retreated when polls indicated Rousseff might win, including a 6.8 percent drop in the Ibovespa during the final week as polls showed her support rising. Neves, who had pledged to cut public spending and attract more private investment, said in his concession speech that he phoned Rousseff to congratulate her on the victory, calling on the president to unify the country.

Inflation Tolerance

Rousseff defended her economic performance by saying she preserved jobs in the face of the global economic crisis. While the economy entered recession in the first half of this year, September’s 4.9 percent unemployment rate was a record low for the month. Real average income has risen 10 percent during Rousseff’s tenure and 33 percent in the past decade.

“The market has been very critical of this government’s policies such as intervention on some sectors, overspending and tolerance of inflation and that’s why shares prices are falling so much today,” Pedro Paulo Silveira, the chief economist at brokerage firm TOV Corretora, said in a phone interview from Sao Paulo. “But the reaction seems to be exaggerated. Many companies are getting cheap considering their individual prospects, so I think that there will be a recovery soon.”

Silveira cited retailers and education companies as among the most attractive right now.

Credit-default swaps insuring Brazil’s debt against non-payment rose three basis points today to 149 basis points, according to prices in New York compiled by Bloomberg. The contracts have risen from the year’s low of 124 basis points on Sept. 3.

Bond Prices

Brazil’s benchmark dollar bonds due 2025 fell 0.39 cent to 100.94 cents on the dollar while yields on local fixed-rated notes due 2023 rose 0.45 percentage point to 12.49 percent.

Investors will turn their focus to Rousseff’s choice for finance minister, said Frederico Sampaio, the chief investment officer of Franklin Templeton Investments Brazil, which manages about $900 million. Rousseff has said that her new government will have a fresh team, including a replacement for Finance Minister Guido Mantega.

The president’s fiscal policies fueled Brazil’s first sovereign rating cut in more than a decade, while the government’s attempts to control inflation by intervening in state-run companies sapped profits at Petrobras and electric utility Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA.

Valuation Outlook

Quantitas Gestao de Recursos, a Porto Alegre-based investment boutique that manages 15 billion reais, estimated last week there is a 50 percent chance Brazil’s rating could be cut to junk in Rousseff’s second term.

Brazil’s dollar bonds returned 8.7 percent this year, trailing the average 10.1 percent advance for investment-grade developing nations, JPMorgan Chase & Co. indexes show. In Rousseff’s first three years in office, the notes posted an annual gain of 5.04 percent, lagging behind the 5.6 percent return for similarly rated sovereign peers.

The Ibovespa ended last week with a valuation near a five-month low of about 10 times estimated earnings. Stocks won’t be attractive until valuations fall to about 8 times, according to UBS and USAA Investment Management Co.

“Her victory was not totally priced in yet,” Bianca Taylor, a Boston-based senior sovereign analyst and strategist at Loomis Sayles & Co., which oversees $223.2 billion worldwide, including Brazilian sovereign and corporate bonds, said by phone. “We should see a slump in Brazil assets as a whole in the next few days.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Filipe Pacheco in Sao Paulo at; Julia Leite in New York at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Patterson at; Brendan Walsh at Brendan Walsh, Dennis Fitzgerald

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Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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