
Sunday, October 12, 2014

7 New Jersey High School Students Charge Over Football Hazing Case - Beta Wired

Seven high school students in New Jersey face sex crime charges amid a hazing investigation that canceled the football season at a New Jersey prep powerhouse, law enforcement and school officials said.


Six of the seven students, ages 15, 16, and 17, were arrested Friday at Sayreville War Memorial High School. The seventh student surrendered on Saturday. Their names were not released because of their age.

Authorities did not specify the connection of the alleged suspects to the football program, but previously said they were investigating hazing allegations connected to the team that has won three sectional titles over the last four years.

Authorities said four students were attacked on separate occasions between Sept. 19 and 29. The investigation also found there were other teens that were held against their will and touched in a sexual manner. One victim was reportedly kicked during an attack.

Middlesex County prosecutor Andrew C. Carey said three of the suspects were charged with aggravated sexual assault, criminal restraint, hazing, and other crimes for an act of sexual penetration in one attack. The four other suspects were charged with aggravated criminal sexual contact and other crimes.

The students in custody were awaiting a Family Court decision on whether they would be held at a juvenile detention facility or be released to their families.

No coaches have been charged, and it is not clear if any knew about the alleged incidents.

The arrests came four days after School Superintendent Richard Labbe announced he was canceling the rest of the team’s football season after the Prosecutor’s Office substantiated allegations of hazing.

Labbe’s decision angered the parents of team members but drew support from advocates who are calling for efforts to confront hazing.

Labbe has stood by his decision and said the abuse of students is so intensive that students and others should come forward when bullying occurs.

He added that the district had launched a harassment, intimidation, and bullying investigation of all its athletic teams.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -

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