Saturday, August 23, 2014

US isn't sure just how much to fear Islamic State - Times of India

WASHINGTON: Earlier this year, President Barack Obama likened the Islamic State to a junior varsity basketball squad, a group that posed little of the threat once presented by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

But on Thursday, defense secretary Chuck Hagel called the Islamic State an "imminent threat to every interest we have," adding, "This is beyond anything that we've seen."

With the rapid advance of the Islamic State across northern Iraq, and the release this week of a video showing one of the group's operatives beheading a US journalist, the language that Obama administration officials are using to describe the danger the terrorist group poses to the United States has become more pointed. But some US officials and terrorism experts said that the ominous words overstated the group's actual ability to attack the United States and its interests abroad, and that the Islamic State could be undone by its own brutality and nihilism.

"They have a lot of attributes that should scare us: money, people, weapons and a huge swath of territory," said Andrew Liepman, a senior fellow at RAND Corp and former deputy head of the National Counterterrorism Center. "But when we're surprised by a group, as we have been in this case, we tend to overreact."

These notes of caution from inside the government and from terrorism watchers come as the White House considers expanding military action against the Islamic State, including possibly striking across the border in Syria.

US intelligence agencies are working on a thorough assessment of the group's strength, and they believe that its ability to gain and hold territory could make it a long-term menace in the Middle East. Intelligence officials said there were indications that the Islamic State's battlefield successes had attracted defectors from al-Qaida affiliates in Yemen and Africa, who are eager to join a group with momentum.

But experts say the Islamic State differs from traditional terrorist groups like al-Qaida and its affiliates, primarily because it prefers enlarging what it calls its caliphate over discrete acts of terrorism. It has captured dams and oil fields, and has seized spoils of war like armored personnel carriers and tanks.

A US Marine leads a suspected member of al-Qaida. (File Photo: Getty Images)

Bin Laden's goal was also to create an Islamic caliphate, but he often said that it was years away and could be achieved only under the proper conditions. The Islamic State, on the other hand, has declared that the caliphate has arrived.

"This is a full-blown insurgent group, and talking about it as a terrorist group is not particularly helpful," said William McCants, a fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Rear Adm John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said the Defense Department did not believe that the Islamic State had "the capability right now to conduct a major attack on the US homeland."

"We do believe they have aspirations to strike Western targets," Kirby said, adding that the "urgency of the threat" was driven by the belief that the group had enlisted thousands of foreign fighters and was holding its ground in Iraq and Syria.

Islamic State is now under pressure from US airstrikes in Iraq. And the group must defend its gains from advances by a host of adversaries, like Kurdish troops, the forces of President Bashar Assad of Syria, and other Syrian rebels.

"Attacking the US is not their first priority," Liepman said.

In addition, US officials said that the group's brutal methods of governing the territory it has amassed, while effective in the short term, could create internal factions that would weaken its grip on power.

Gen Martin E Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Thursday that the group's ambition was to remake the Middle East by absorbing nations including Israel, Jordan, Kuwait and Syria into its caliphate.

"If it were to achieve that vision, it would fundamentally alter the face of the Middle East and create a security environment that would certainly threaten us in many ways," he said.

But some experts are skeptical that the group could ever realize that goal.

Earlier this year, President Barack Obama likened the Islamic State to a junior varsity basketball squad, a group that posed little of the threat once presented by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida. (File photo: AP)

The Islamic State "can expand, but it can't dominate alone," said George Friedman, chairman of Stratfor, a geopolitical risk analysis company. Even in Iraq, the group "can't defeat the Kurds," Friedman said. "It certainly doesn't have the power to defeat the Shiites in the south."

But for a population that is not accustomed to images of Americans at the mercy of foreign militaries, the video of the killing of the journalist, James Foley, was bound to strike a chord and exacerbate a feeling of being under threat.

Some experts said the fear of the Islamic State was driven partly by how little is known about the organization. While the United States has spent more than a decade studying al-Qaida, officials know comparatively little about the structure and leadership of the Islamic State, beyond the information they have on the group's self-appointed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

But a large segment of the US counterterrorism apparatus is now devoted to filling in the intelligence picture about the Islamic State. Speaking to reporters Thursday, Hagel said as much.

"We must prepare for everything," he said. "And the only way you do that is that you take a cold, steely, hard look at it and get ready."

It is generally agreed that it is far more difficult to carry out a terrorist attack inside the United States today than it was before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, because of the steps taken since to prevent would-be terrorists from entering the country.

But that does not mean that the Islamic State cannot present a significant threat in the Middle East.

"I'm worried about Turkey, I'm worried about Jordan, I'm worried about regional destabilization," said Jarret Brachman, the author of "Global Jihadism: Theory and Practice" and an adviser to the US government on the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

Jarret Brachman, author of 'Global Jihadism: Theory and Practice. (Getty Images)

Brachman said that he did not believe the group had the ability, at the moment, to attack the United States, and that such an attack would bring about a US response so destructive that it would undermine the militants' goal of territorial expansion. intelligence agencies,Islamic State,Barack Obama,al-Qaida

Source: Top Stories - Google News -


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