WASHINGTON — Further military options under consideration by the White House against the Islamic State forces in Iraq and Syria in the wake of the beheading of American journalist James Foley will be the top issue on Sunday political talk shows.

Four members of the Senate Armed Services Committee will appear on three of the talk shows to offer their perspective on the rise of the Islamic State.

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said Friday that any strategy for containing and destroying the Islamic State "has to deal with both sides of the border, Iraq and Syria,'' but he also pledged the administration "would want to consult with Congress'' before taking any additional actions.

"We've made very clear time and again that if you come after Americans, we're going to come after you wherever you are,'' Rhodes said. The "horrific'' killing of Foley, according to Rhodes, "represents a terrorist attack against our country and against an American citizen.''

The growing strength of the Islamic State also has raised new homeland security concerns. Rhodes said President Obama plans to "convene at the head-of-state level a U.N. Security Council meeting in September to deal with the issue of foreign fighters who are heading to Syria, because we're concerned about the ability of foreign fighters to come from Western countries and seek to come back.''

The protests in Ferguson will also be a topic on the shows. Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr., whose district includes racially torn Ferguson, will discuss the problems there on ABC's This Week and CBS' Face The Nation. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon will appear on CNN's State of the Union to defend his handling of the unrest by calling in the National Guard.

Here's the Sunday show lineup:

CBS' Face the Nation : Former CIA deputy director Michael Morell and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee who represents Foley's home state of New Hampshire, will discuss the Islamic State. Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin will talk about his new book, The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea. And Clay will discuss the problems in Ferguson.

ABC's This Week : House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, discusses the Islamic State. Clay also will discuss Ferguson.

NBC's Meet the Press : Potential Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky discussed a variety of topics during a humanitarian medical mission to Guatemala this past week. NBC followed Paul, an ophthalmologist, on his trip. Paul talked about the racial tensions in Ferguson, Mo., as well as immigration, health care, education, Hillary Rodham Clinton and the 2016 election.

Fox News Sunday : Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, will offer his view on the threat posed by the Islamic State. The Rev. Jesse Jackson will join conservative pundit Dr. Ben Carson in a discussion about the mistrust between the black community and police in Ferguson.

CNN's State of the Union : Senate Armed Services Committee members Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Jack Reed, D-R.I., will discuss the response for the United States to the Islamic State. Nixon and several top police officials from around the nation will discuss Ferguson.


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