
Sunday, August 24, 2014

British spies 'very close' to identifying 'jihadi John' -

Intelligence experts on both sides of the Atlantic have spent the past few days poring over the sickening Isil video which shows a jihadist with a British accent beheading Mr Foley.

With his features hidden under a black hood, the main focus has been on his distinctive voice, said to bear the hallmarks of a south London accent.

Using highly sophisticated voice recognition technology they have compared his hate fuelled rant on the video with clips from other British Islamic extremists and now believe they are close to have a 100 per cent match.

Speaking in Washington, Mr Westmacott revealed: “I think we are close. I have been in touch obviously in the last day or two with my colleagues at home.

“We’re not yet in position to say exactly who this is but there is some very sophisticated voice ID technology and other measures that we have got which should allow us to be very clear about who this person is before very long.”

But he stressed that the fight against the Isil militants had just begun and problems would only increase as hardened and desensitised fighters started to return.

He said: “Let me underline that this is a threat in a whole different series of ways to us. It is a threat to our citizens, British, American and others in the region. It is a threat to the stability of those countries.

“But it is a threat also in terms of returning radicalised jihadists who have left our countries, not just Britain but many other countries, and who are coming back with very specific missions and with instructions sometimes to create acts of terror at home.

“Which is why in the UK for example over the last year we’ve picked up around 70 different people on terrorism-related offences to do with activities in Iraq and Syria so we are very conscious of the threat that there is back at home.”

He added: “We are doing a very complex operation in terms of trying to identify, detect and obstruct terrorist activity by individuals going to and coming back from the region. We are using diplomacy, we are using development funds, we are using military strengths and equipment.”

But former shadow Home Secretary David Davies was among a growing number of commentators who are calling for Isil fighters to have their British nationality withdrawn.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -

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