
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Angela Merkel calls for Ukraine truce and urges strict controls on Russia's border -

Anders Fogh Rasmussen the head of Nato, called it was a "blatant breach of Russia's international commitments" and a "further violation of Ukraine's sovereignty by Russia", while the EU said there had been "a clear violation of the border".

Speaking side by side with Mr Poroshenko after their talks on Saturday, Mrs Merkel called for a truce in the four-month conflict between government troops and pro-Russian separatists, which has killed more than 2,200 people.

"Our focus cannot lie with military conflict, which unfortunately is necessary today," she told reporters. "There has to be a bilateral cease-fire. Deeds now have to follow words and I think on the Ukrainian side, much has been done."

Mrs Merkel stressed that peace plans were "on the table" before a meeting on Tuesday between Mr Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, along with European Union officials, in Minsk, Belarus. "Now actions must follow," she added.

Meanwhile on Saturday, separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine began to hand out tinned food and pasta delivered by the controversial Russian aid convoy, as fighting flared in the region.

More than 200 trucks that delivered the aid a day earlier returned to Russian soil, although suspicions still lingered about their cargo as Kiev claimed some had been loaded with stolen military hardware for the return journey.

In Luhansk, the besieged rebel-held city to which the Russian trucks delivered their cargo, the aid was already being handed out, a senior separatist leader told The Telegraph.

"One distribution point is open and we hope to have 15 up and running in the city in the nearest future," said Oleg Tsarev, speaker of the parliament of "Novorossiya" (New Russia), which unites the breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republics".

"It's better to have several because when there was a single aid point once before, the Ukrainians shelled it. We are giving out tinned food, cereals and pasta according to lists of about 15,000 people most in need."

Footage on a pro-Kremlin Russian news website showed sacks of food being unloaded from the trucks in warehouses in Luhansk. One of the drivers said the convoy had enjoyed a rebel escort. "The militiamen men rode with us in cars and ensured a safe corridor," he said.

A statement issued by rebel headquarters on Saturday urged Russia to send a second convoy, this time to Donetsk.

"We took control of the delivery of humanitarian cargo to Lugansk," it said. "We consider it possible to start movement of the second part of the column towards Donetsk. The armed forces of the Donetsk People's Republic are able to provide security for the delivery."

Mr Tsarev said that in Luhansk medicines from Friday's convoy were being sent straight to hospitals. Electricity generators and sleeping bags would go to hospitals and bomb shelters. "We have also set up canteens for hot food," he said.

Ukrainian forces and rebel militia are desperately contesting the outskirts of Luhansk, and residents have suffered weeks of shelling with Grad rocket launchers and mortars. Many homes and businesses are destroyed and fleeing residents told The Telegraph earlier this month how people were burying their dead in yards and gardens because it was too dangerous to get to cemeteries. The city has been without electricity, running water or telephone coverage for at least three weeks.

There were fears the aid trucks might get caught in the crossfire and become the pretext for an all-out inter-state war between Russia and Ukraine. But monitors from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe said they counted all 220 of the lorries, plus seven support vehicles, returning to Russia via the Izvaryne-Donetsk checkpoint on Saturday, a day after they crossed the border.

Speaking at the news conference alongside Mrs Merkel in Kiev, Mr Poroshenko predicted that Ukraine could find peace quickly if separatist militiamen and "armed mercenaries" (meaning fighters from Russia) were purged.

"The Ukrainian side and our European partners will do everything possible to bring about peace - but not at the price of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the independence of Ukraine," he said.

But while the aid convoy's return to Russia doused immediate concerns about an enlarged conflict, Kiev was clearly still suspicious about its motives.

Andriy Lysenko, a spokesman for Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, told a briefing in the city that some of the aid trucks had been loaded for their return journey to Russia with equipment from a military radar producer and an ammunition factory in eastern Ukraine.

Mr Lysenko produced no evidence for the claim and Mr Tsarev, speaking in a telephone interview from Donetsk, dismissed it as "stupid".

"We control several sections of the border with Russia so if we wanted to transport that kind of thing we wouldn't do it in a humanitarian aid convoy under the eyes of the world," he said.

Clashes continued in the region on Saturday. Rebel authorities in Donetsk said shells fell in a residential district, killing two miners who were about to catch a tram to work. There were also two blasts at the Donbass Arena, a football stadium where England played two matches during Euro-2012. Nobody was hurt there.

The Ukrainian military said government forces were under attack near four towns and were being shelled from Russia.

Ukraine will celebrate the anniversary of its declaration of independence from the Soviet Union on Sunday with a military parade featuring rocket launchers and ballistic missiles. In Donetsk, the rebels announced a rival "anti-fascist rally, dedicated to the struggle of citizens of the Donetsk People's Republic and Novorossiya against Ukrainian Nazism". Destroyed Ukrainian military vehicles will be displayed at the event.

Mr Tsarev said a proposal to parade Ukrainian prisoners-of-war was still under discussion on Saturday. "Personally I'm arguing against it," he said.

Source: Top Stories - Google News -

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