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Monday, June 2, 2014

10 feature highlights in Apple's iOS 8, OS X Yosemite - USA TODAY

USA Today Tech reporter Jefferson Graham lists his top five features of Apple's new iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite operating systems. VPC


SAN FRANCISCO — Apple unveiled dozens of new features for its iOS mobile operating system and OS X for computers.

Here are 10 highlights:

1.Home automation. All those apps for dimming the lights, opening the front door and turning on the stereo will now be accessible from within one new Apple hub on the iPhone and iPad. You'll also be able to use the Siri digital personal assistant to voice your commands.

DETAILS: Apple's Smart Home Promises Innovation, Lacks Partners

2. HealthKit. Similar to what Apple is doing in the home, it puts the various apps for tracking calories and steps in one place. And the app can be accessed by your doctor or hospital to track your health.

NEWS: Apple unveils iOS 8, OS X Yosemite

3. Messages: Soon, when you compose a text, you can compose a message with an audio reply.

DETAILS: From the live blog of Apple's event

4. Attachments. In OS X Yosemite, the operating system upgrade for computers, Apple is offering a much bigger attachment limit for e-mails — up to 5 gigabytes.

5. Caller ID everywhere. When your iPhone rings, you'll see called ID on Macs and iPads, as well, and can answer the phone in both places. You'll be able to make phone calls from there, too.

6. Siri. She'll be in more places. You can ask the Shazam music discovery app to find a song for you, or buy tunes on iTunes via Siri.

7. Keyboard. Android keyboards are known for being able to "Swype" by moving your fingers around to compose. It's coming to iOS 8, too.

8. iCloud: Folks can share more than just photos in iCloud, accessible among multiple devices. New pricing was announced, too: 5 GBs free, or 20 GB for 99 cents monthly.

9. App Store upgrade. Apple is adding search tools to make finding apps easier in the App store. Additionally, you'll be able to buy multiple apps at one time.

10. Apps within an app. You'll be able to open a photo and access a widget, such as VSCO Cam photo editor, for instance, to edit the app within the app.


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