
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Virginia Senator Pledges Support for Clinton in 2016 - New York Times

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Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia and an early supporter of Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries, is expected to announce on Saturday that he is joining Ready for Hillary, a “super PAC” that is trying to build grass-roots support for a potential presidential run by Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016.

Mr. Kaine is the latest of many Democrats who supported Mr. Obama against Mrs. Clinton in 2008 but who are now backing her in 2016. Last week, Caroline Kennedy, the American ambassador to Japan and the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, told ABC News that she would “absolutely” support Mrs. Clinton. Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri has also declared her support for Ready for Hillary.

Mr. Kaine said that in the 2008 race, “I made my decision early because I knew something: He was the right person for the job, but getting there would be hard.”

“I’m stating my support for Hillary Clinton today for the same reason,” he said, according to prepared remarks released late Friday. He planned to formally announce his endorsement at a South Carolina Women’s Democratic Council breakfast in Columbia on Saturday.

Mr. Kaine, a former governor of Virginia and chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2009 to 2011, could help shore up Mrs. Clinton’s support in Virginia, a swing state that Mr. Obama carried twice. Mr. Kaine was among those considered to be named Mr. Obama’s running mate in 2008.

“I’m doing my bit now to encourage Hillary Clinton to run,” Mr. Kaine said. “I’m encouraging my constituents in Virginia and also all of you to do the same by joining the Ready for Hillary movement.”

Mrs. Clinton is also expected to receive the support of Virginia’s current governor, Terry McAuliffe, another former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Mr. McAuliffe has been a close supporter of the Clintons for two decades, and they campaigned for him during the Virginia election last year.

The endorsements signal that the Democratic Party is coalescing around Mrs. Clinton, who has not announced whether she will run in 2016. Her advisers are leery of such early enthusiasm. They want to avoid the air of inevitability that became a liability for Mrs. Clinton in the 2008 election. The advisers appreciate the effort by Ready for Hillary, but fear it could contribute to the notion that it is Mrs. Clinton’s “turn” to be the Democratic nominee, several people close to her have said privately.

Priorities USA, a super PAC that helped re-elect Mr. Obama, has also rebranded itself as a vehicle to finance a Clinton candidacy.

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