Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pro-European Businessman Claims Victory in Ukraine Presidential Vote - New York Times

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People waited in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, for the results of the country’s presidential election on Sunday. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

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KIEV, Ukraine — Caught in a battle for influence between Russia and the West, Ukrainians elected Petro O. Poroshenko as president on Sunday, turning to a pro-European billionaire to lead them out of six months of turmoil.

The special election was called by Parliament to replace Viktor F. Yanukovych, who fled Kiev on Feb. 21 after a failed but bloody attempt to suppress a civic uprising, and whose toppling as president set off Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea.

While the election allows Ukraine to open a new chapter in its history, and even President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has indicated recently that he would accept the result, Mr. Poroshenko now faces the excruciatingly difficult task of trying to calm and reunite a country that has been on the edge of financial collapse, and on the verge of a civil war. Among his chief tasks will be to ease tensions with Russia.

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“The first steps of our team at the beginning of the presidential work will be to put an end to war, to put an end to chaos, to end disorder, and to bring peace to the land of Ukraine — united, unitary Ukraine,” Mr. Poroshenko said in a speech at an arts center in Kiev, where he declared victory shortly after the polls closed. He added, “We need to do all our best to bring in European values.”

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Ukraine Goes to the Polls

Ukraine Goes to the Polls

Credit Alexey Furman/European Pressphoto Agency

Exit poll results showed Mr. Poroshenko — a confections tycoon known as The Chocolate King and a veteran of Ukrainian politics — with a wide lead over his strongest rival, the former prime minister Yulia V. Tymoshenko. He appeared poised to easily clear the simple-majority threshold needed to avoid a potentially divisive runoff.

Mr. Poroshenko appeared for his victory speech with the former champion boxer Vitali Klitschko, a leader of the street protests that deposed Mr. Yanukovych. Mr. Klitschko was elected on Sunday as mayor of Kiev.

In his remarks, Mr. Poroshenko said he would push for early parliamentary elections — this year — answering a demand by critics of the Yanukovych government who have said installing a new president is not sufficient.

Legislative elections would have a potentially far-reaching effect, not just reshaping Parliament but also allowing for an entirely new government. In February, lawmakers voted to return to a 2004 version of the Constitution, which designates Parliament, not the president, to choose a prime minister and cabinet members.

Despite formidable obstacles in the east, where armed separatists largely prevented voting on Sunday, election officials reported robust turnout throughout the rest of the country. Opora, a monitoring group, estimated turnout nationwide at 60 percent.

International observers also predicted that the presidential vote would receive high marks in meeting standards of fairness. “There was a sense of determination about it — to get it right,” said Madeleine K. Albright, the former secretary of state who was in Kiev as an observer. “In many ways, Ukraine spoke through its vote.”

President Obama issued a statement praising the vote and reiterating that the United States does not accept Russia’s seizing of Crimea. “Despite provocations and violence, millions of Ukrainians went to the polls,” he said.

Although Mr. Poroshenko, 48, won in a landslide, he faces skepticism even among many who voted for him because they are wary of his status as a billionaire businessman and because he is a veteran in Ukraine’s notoriously corrupt politics.

He has been a longtime member of Parliament, where he briefly served as speaker, and was minister of trade and economic development under Mr. Yanukovych and foreign minister under the previous president, Viktor A. Yushchenko.

Mr. Poroshenko has vowed repeatedly to set Ukraine on a pro-European course, and has pledged to sign the political and trade agreements with the European Union that Mr. Yanukovych abandoned, setting off the uprising last fall.

But Mr. Poroshenko has deep business interests in Russia and has previously served in pro-Russian governments, creating some optimism in Moscow that negotiations are possible. In a sign of the intricate, even personal, nature of the relationship, the Russian government seized bank accounts in Russia belonging to Mr. Poroshenko’s chocolate company, Roshen, this year and closed its factory and warehouse in southern Russia as part of an investigation into unspecified criminal charges.

Mr. Poroshenko has expressed a willingness to mend ties with Russia, but on Sunday he insisted those discussions would also have to involve Ukraine’s territorial claim to Crimea.

Regarding the insurrection, Mr. Poroshenko has repeatedly called for armed separatists to be brought to justice, but he also focused his campaign on the bread-and-butter issues of jobs and the economy, as well as a populist anticorruption message.


A Ukrainian voter received her ballot at a polling station in the village of Gvozdiv outside Kiev. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

“We will do the absolutely unique transformation of the country,” Mr. Poroshenko said at a polling site before voting, “with zero tolerance to corruption, with a very good investment climate, with an independent court system, with all the necessary things to attract business.”

It will not be easy. Mr. Poroshenko inherits an interim government that is unpopular in much of the country, and regarded as illegitimate by many in the east.

Ukraine will be under continuing pressure from Russia, which is demanding billions of dollars for unpaid natural-gas bills, and has made clear that it could cripple the Ukrainian economy at any moment with trade sanctions. There is also pressure from the International Monetary Fund, which has laid out strict requirements, including austerity measures, in exchange for $27 billion in emergency credit that saved the country from default.

While Mr. Poroshenko steered clear of any formal role in the interim government that has run the country since Feb. 28, he has expressed support for settlement talks in recent weeks that address some concerns in the eastern regions with a so-called decentralization plan that will increase the authority of local governments. He has also expressed a willingness to support civic activists pushing for broad government reforms.

In Kiev, there were long lines at polling stations, and voters generally expressed resolve that the country needed to open a new chapter, with a new leader, even if many expressed some disappointment in the choices offered.

“We are stuck in everything,” said Tatyana Zhukova, a retired engineer, who said she had just voted for Mr. Poroshenko. “I don’t see new leaders.”

Ilya Danko, 31, an architect, said he had voted for Mr. Poroshenko with the hope of calming the country by avoiding a second round. “It’s like choosing the best from the worst,” he said.

Mr. Danko, who participated in the street protests that led to Mr. Yanukovych’s ouster, said he had no doubt that Ukraine should follow a European course.

“I personally just compare for many years Ukraine and Poland, because we were at the rather same starting point about 15 years ago,” Mr. Danko said. “Now when I go to Warsaw or Krakow, I see a European country, a very economically developed country, and Ukraine, the main problem is this corruption; it has blocked the normal flow of evolution of development.”

Still, there was a strong sense of the momentousness of the vote, with many wearing vyshyvankas, embroidered Ukrainian national shirts, to show patriotism.

Ivan Grinko 27, a doctor, wore face paint and a T-shirt emblazoned with the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag as he arrived to vote in central Kiev. “People want peace,” Mr. Grinko said. “Secondly, it’s higher salaries.”

Sunday’s vote has had the broad support of leaders in Europe and the United States, who view it as a crucial step to installing a pro-Western government. In St. Petersburg, Mr. Putin, too, expressed support on Saturday. “We will respect any choice made by the Ukrainian people,” he said at a round-table interview with international news agencies.

Violence, including sporadic mortar shelling and gunfire, continued in eastern Ukraine over the weekend. An Italian news photographer, Andrea Rocchelli, 30, and a Russian human rights advocate, Andrei Mironov, 60, working as his interpreter, were killed Saturday by mortar fire, Ukrainian officials said.

Mr. Poroshenko singled out voters in the east, known as Donbas, for thanks and praise. “Citizens of Donbas, even in those conditions where participation in elections was connected with health and life risks, took part in voting,” he said.

In Kiev, Oleh Kovalenko, 53, who works as a driver, said he happily voted for Mr. Poroshenko. “Let one of the richest men in the country — a Chocolate King — rule, and this chaos is over as soon as possible,” he said.

Correction: May 25, 2014

An earlier version of this article misstated the number of months since Viktor F. Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine. It is three, not four.

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